Pe Flexible film
PE Flexible film

- Formula: recycled PE, produced with high-quality recycled polymers, starting from plastic scrap supplied by companies.
- Products: reels of heat shrink Film – sheet, tubular, and gusseted – single- or multi-fold for coverings. Pre-cut and sealed pallet cover bags. Flexible films, even embossed, micro- and macroperforated
- Performance: noticeable reduction of environmental impact without negative effects on the performance of the packaging. Aliplast LDPE packaging films are the only ones considered in the Plan for the Autonomous Management of Packaging Wastes (P.A.R.I.).
- PE FILM Carbon Footprint*: Aliplast 0,504; Virgin 2,96; (-83%).
- Applicazioni: alimentare (non per contatto diretto), arredamento, automotive, carta, cosmetico e detergenza, edilizia, elettrodomestico.
* The carbon footprint is calculated per 1 kg of product (measured in kg of CO2 equivalent). The data is for 2023